Housing Support
Rent and Utility Assistance
Homeownership Assistance
Home Repair & Modifications
Downloadable PDF of Services
Rental Assistance

- Resources for Denver residents who are facing a housing crisis or hardship to help prevent eviction or displacement
Participating providers include:
- Brothers Redevelopment
- Del Norte Neighborhood Development Corporation
- Northeast Denver Housing Center
Denver Temporary Rent & Utility Assistance
Phone: Dial 311, then press 6 to be directed to a local non-profit that administers the program
Website: denvergov.org
Homeownership Assistance

- Homebuyer education
- Pre-purchase counseling
- Mortgage delinquency counseling
- Mortgage payment assistance for COVID hardship
Brothers Redevelopment
Website: brothersredevelopment.org
Phone: (844) 926-6632
Email: ehap@brothersredevelopment.org

- Financial education
- Homebuyer education
- Pre-purchase counseling
- Down payment assistance
- Foreclosure prevention counseling
Community Resources & Housing Development Corporation
Phone (Denver Metro): 303-428-1448
Phone (San Luis Valley): 719-589-1668
Email: melanie@crhdc.org
Website: crhdc.org

- Homebuyer education
- Pre- and post-purchase counseling
- Down payment assistance
- Mortgage delinquency counseling
- Foreclosure prevention counseling
Colorado Housing Assistance Corporation
Contact: Michelle
Phone: (303) 572-9445 ext. 16
Website: chaconline.org

- Homeownership counseling
- Down payment assistance
- Post-purchase counseling
- Mortgage delinquency counseling
Del Norte Neighborhood Development Corporation
Contact: Bianey Castro
Phone: (303) 477-4774 ext. 26
Website: delnortendc.org

- Homeownership program
Elevation Community Land Trust
Phone: (720) 822-0052
Email: info@elevationclt.org
Website: elevationclt.org

- Homeownership program
Habitat for Humanity Metro Denver
Contact: Natalia Carvajal
Phone: (720) 382-1715
Website: habitatmetrodenver.org

- First-time home buyer education
- Down payment assistance
- Pre-purchase, foreclosure & credit/budget counseling
NEWSED Community Development Center
Phone: (303) 534-8342
Website: newsed.org

- Pre & post purchase homeownership counseling
- Foreclosure prevention counseling
- Reverse equity counseling for seniors
- Housing referral services
- Healthy homes healthy living counseling/referral resources
Northeast Denver Housing Center
Phone: (303) 377-3334
Email: info@nedenverhousing.org
Website: nedenverhousing.org

- Information on housing counseling, mortgage refinancing, and the current housing market
West Denver Renaissance Collaborative
Website: mywdrc.org
Home Repair/Home Modifications

- Home modifications to enable residents with disabilities or age-related physical limitations increased mobility
- Accessibility repair services
- Exterior repair
- Interior repair
Brothers Redevelopment
Phone: (844) 926-6632
Website: Brothersredevelopment.org

- Zero-interest emergency home repair loans
- Zero- and low-interest home rehabilitation loans
- Accessibility improvement grants for disabled residents
- Low-interest loans to replace sewer & plumbing lines
- Lead-risk assessment and abatement
Denver Urban Renewal Authority
Contact: Ramón Bonilla
Phone: (303) 534-3872
Website: renewdenver.org

- External home repairs
- CAPABLE 65+ aging in place assistance
Habitat for Humanity Metro Denver
Contact: Natalia Carvajal
Phone: (720) 382-1715
Website: habitatmetrodenver.org

- Emergency repair or replacement of non-working heating systems
- Energy bill payment assistance
- Energy efficiency upgrades
Energy Outreach Colorado
Contact: Melissa Enyeart
Phone: (303) 825-8750
Help line: (866) 432-8435
Website: energyoutreach.org

- Free energy efficiency evaluations and upgrades
Energy Resource Center
Phone, English: (720) 236-1321
Phone, Español: (720) 236-1339
Website: erc-co.org

- Exterior home repairs
- Neighborhood improvements
- Clean-up projects
- Yard work
- Landscaping
- Painting/ graffiti removal
Extreme Community Makeover
Contact: Angela Bomgaars
Phone: (702) 235-8847
Website: extremecommunitymakeover.org

- Development cost and financing assistance to build a second residential unit for rental income or additional living space
West Denver Renaissance Collaborative
Website: mywdrc.org